Reality Sleeves reality.sleeves.txt Reality Sleeves by Michael S. Hart Internet User #199 Founding Member of Project Gutenberg, World eBook Fair & General Cyberspace First Lady Laura Bush's visit to Mali is a perfect example for modern times of what sociologists call a "Reality Sleeve." All that Mrs. Bush will see at the Nelson Mandela School could be said to be an illusion, other than the concrete walls. The mud has been covered with imported gravel, but only portions a visiting dignitary would be allowed to see were covered. That being so Mrs. Bush won't slip on the mud, at least officially. Electrical outlets were installed in the school so Mrs. Bush's comfort would not be an issue via overheating, or other needed electrical conveniences. Water was imported for the vistors-- but two of the water spouts for the school children were taken down so as not to be in Mrs. Bush's way. Since there is no electricity in the area at all, a generator, hidden away where it would not be obvious, was brought in from an outside source. Everything was painted, including graffiti, but none of any of the political nature that would offend visitors, all the trees and bushes suddenly turned green with overabundant watering in anticipation of the visit. The children, who were expected to speak French, officially on the record, were immediately taught something to say in French for the occasion, heaven forbid that Mrs. Bush should find out they really speak their own African language. As soon as the presentation was over, literally within hours-- all the electrical fixtures, outlets, the generator, etc. were removed. . .and after four days of hectic illusion building of Mrs. Bush's reality sleeve. . .everyone and everything of such a nature that could have been removed was gone. The trees and bushes are withering back to normal in a place-- literally--where people sometimes have to walk great distances just to bring home enough water for their own bodies to work. Source: National Public Radio, via WILL-AM 580, ~4:30PM, July 1, 2007. The following article had just been written and posted in this very week of the visit mentioned above. You've all heard of Hitler, and perhaps of Mussolini, Hitler's counterpart in Italy, but what you perhaps are not aware of is the great efforts those two made to hide reality behind a wide variety of mechanisms from the very start of the Fascist ideal through to the bitter end. The greatest example of this could well be the preparations to receive Hitler when he visted Rome during World War II. In an extremely narrow portion of Rome through which Hitler's trains would be moving, hence the term "sleeve," Rome was rebuilt via a long series of wonderful facades all the way from what today are called suburbs into the center of Rome, the train stations and a very narrow corridor surrounding them. Everything was orchestrated to take place within boundaries of of this series of "reality sleeves." Today we see all too much of the same thing, with world powers orchestrating events in such a manner as to remove homeless to other areas, mow the lawns, trim the bushes and trees, while a paint crew goes over the white and yellow stripes on streets. This takes place even at colleges, who are supposedly teaching some variety of integrity along with the substantive material, and you can simply walk through most major campii, just before new student week, graduation, Mom's Day, Dad's Day, Homecoming and the like, and see not only preparations for the celebrated events taking place, but a "reality sleeve" that includes most of the above mentioned items, along with the best meals served all year long at the student housing facilities, etc. Just a week or two before such events, things are different. This also takes place at the very local levels, wearing what a whole culture knows as our "Sunday Best" to church, or what we might call our "Saturday Best" to mosques and synagogues. Even those who preach at these intsitutions wear special stuff for special occasions. . .as if those who started the religion would have done so. Most of the modern religions were started by people who wore plain clothes, did not make a big deal more of public religious practice than private, and would not be in a comfort zone with all the hoopla attached to a fine clothing of the richest colors and materials, the various traditions we see attached to their religions after the fact, and a dogmatic attention to details that miss the point of the religion. The same can be said of most governments, who claim to be with the public in mind, but the term "civil servant" translated to "civil master" and "goverment of the people, by the people and for the people" perished from this Earth. Garbage In. . .Gospel Out I wonder if it makes YOU wonder that we don't see garbage cans out in front or back of houses any longer. . . . Have we hidden away all traces of garbage so thoroughly that a normal person never thinks about it any more. . . ? To points where it has become one of the intentionally hidden realities, the realities hidden by what Sociology calls reality sleeves? Did this start as a response to the great New York City events of the garbage strikes in the early 1970's, when the rulers of what should like to be thought of as The World's Greatest City went toe to toe with the garbage men to a 15 round no-decision as to whether the city NEEDED the garbage men. . .or not??? It's really hard to believe that The Big Apple should refuse a decent wage to someone whose work was so necessary, and yet it went on and on and on, heaps of garbage so high on sidewalks I couldn't see over it, even if I jumped up in the air. Not to mention the smell. . . !!! Not to mention the rats. . . !!! Did you know there are more rats than people in NYC??? Not to mention a number of other famous cities. Today's Version of Garbage Today most cities, and not just those with one million people, have all sorts of rules about garbage. . .such as garbage cans requiring liners. . .a sort of temporary garbage can for yours so THEY never have to actually SEE the garbage any longer. Not that they hardly ever touch the garbage cans any more, the whole thing is mainly done by robots now, and all the men have to do is make sure the garbage cans line up ok with the robots and the robots do all the rest. Oh. . .and you can only leave the garbage cans out on garbage- day. . .you have to hide them behind or beside the house those other days. . .so it looks as if there is no garbage. So. . .add it all up. . .you can't actually put garbage in the garbage can any more. . .you have to put it inside another can or plastic container, and even that now has to be containers a seal has been applied to. . .and you can only put the can on a street the day the garbage men come to pick it up. And. . .of course. . .you have to say "sanitary engineer." Today's Version of Human Garbage Ever since the days of President Ronald Reagan, we have seen a new class of people at both the bottom and the top. . .we came to see the new class of "The Homeless" at the bottom, and came to not quite really see "The Gated Community People" on top of the new economic pressures of "The Trickle Down Theory," where money was given to those at the very top because they were the ones who knew how to deal with money, and thus with production as the source of money. . .or so they said. . .until we saw in a flash of revelation that the billions made by the "Thrifts," as "The Savings and Loan" industry was called, were faked, and the billions made by MCI were faked, and the billions of Enron were faked, and so on down the line except for the real worker types such as Donald Trump, Bill Gates, etc. Today "The Homeless" are simply cleaned up off the streets and moved to other locations just as the trash and garbage are the week before some huge event is going to take place, along with the various painting, mowing, trimming, etc., mentioned above, and they are allowed to come back when it is all over. If you haven't seen this for yourself, just watch the news for the next meeting of "The World Trade Organization" [WTO], this will become obvious to you if they continue to show it or even mention it. . .last time there were SEVEN MILES of fences from here to there to eliminate any possible reality interference a member of the World Trade Organization might see that might be an influence to keep that person from trying their damndest to increase the flow of money from the poor to the rich. In all the time since 9/11, I have only heard one media person mention that the jobs of those working The World Trade Towers, the actual job definitions, were to make sure money flowed out of the poor regions of the world and into the rich, and that a decent explanation for the events of 9/11 could be made via an extremely simple look at the mission statements of companies & jobs located in The World Trade Center. Just how much shelter does a meeting of the world trade powers need when it is meeting right in the middle of New York City's own power structure at the center of the United States power's structure at the center of the world's power structure. Well, we saw how much when the WTO met in Seattle and in other widespread locations. . .the world at large disapproves of WTO policies to such a degree that there is no place in the world, none at all, other than in secret, without having to have some battalions of police, military, FBI and CIA officers to keep a public presence away that might reflect the real people. The Price at the Pump Versus The Price at the Brain When I was a kid, gas and paperbacks were both just a quarter, plus tax. . . . We've all heard just how desperate the situation is that keeps the price of gas at $3 a gallon, but we never hear a word from the media informing us that for the entire decade before JFK's inauguration the average price of a gallon of gas was equal to the average price of a paperback book, tax included. Just dig out any of the old 1950's paperbacks from the attics, basements, or garages. . .and you will see the price of $.25 a copy on vast majority of them for most of the decade, and then look in the records for the price of gas. . .$.27 most years. Now call up your local Borders or Barnes & Noble and ask for a price check on the new James Bond paperbacks that were out via the new movie version of Casino Royale. . .$14 and $15 and tax should still be included, just as it is with gasoline, so mine cost me $15.12 and $16.20, depending on which titles. Gas went from just over a quarter to around $3. . .12 times. Bond went from just over a quarter to around $16. . .60 times! It becomes only too obvious when you look at it that books are not meant for our consumption as much as gasoline is!!!